Thursday, March 5, 2020

The best free YouTube to MP3 converter 2020

The best free YouTube to MP3 converter 2020

There are lots of tools around that claim to do the job, but finding the best one can be a minefield. Some come bundled with additional software that you don't want to install, some are packed with obtrusive advertising, some impose annoying time restrictions, and some are just plain slow. That's why we've put all the options through their paces, and picked out the ones that really deliver the goods without any nasty surprises.
Converting YouTube to mp3 ytb allows you to listen to music from a video offline, whenever you like, or turn your favorite YouTube's channel into a podcast that you can enjoy when you're working.
Bear in mind that you should only download content when you have the copyright owner's permission. YouTube's terms of service explicitly prohibit unauthorized downloading.
If converting YouTube to MP3 still sounds like a hassle, it's worth considering a music streaming service like Spotify, Apple Music or Google Play Music, which will avoid the need to convert any files at all. If you want to do more than just extract music, the best video editor for iPhone might come in handy too, and we've rounded up the best free video editors for Windows, macOS and Linux as well. outube